Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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447 lines
║ MLOCATE v1.76, (c)1990 SoftSpeed SoftWare - Anders Brink ║
║ 910909, Released 9 Sep 1990 ║
Short description:
This is THE Maximus v1.02 / Remote Access 1.01 online
"Locate File" replacement, with support for multiple
tasks and different configuration files.
When running as a standalone utility the program assume
that it's the SysOp who are running and therefor bypasses
all locks and/or privilegie control. Share/DV-aware.
This program is freeware, it's up to you what you
want to do with it, any bugs found is also yours.
IF you find any bugs, don't expect me to fix'em,
but I would be more than happy if you report any
"features" in the program behavior to me.
You are more than welcome to send suggestions to:
Anders Brink, 2:205/203@fidonet
Because of some ******* reason this program may not work
with Ray Gwinn's X00 fossil loaded, I suggest you use BNU.
This program does NOT support Maximus barricaded areas or
extended barricaded areas, use privilegies and locks instead.
This program supports Remote Access "Flags", and Security levels,
but NOT Remote Access 1.01 "Security Flags", yet...
This program uses an anti-virus-check routine at startup,
may take a while on a slow lo-tech PC/XT machine, if you find
it annoying, buy yourself an 486/33. :-)
Place MLOCATE.EXE and MLOCATE.CTL in your Maximus /RA directory,
edit MLOCATE.CTL to match your setup, NOT mine!
Maximus mode installation in MENUS.CTL:
Install MLOCATE.EXE like this in the file MENUS.CTL:
Xtern_Run C:\Max\Mlocate.Exe_%L_-S%W Twit "Locate (fast)"
then compile your control file with the Maxmimus utility:
Compile your data-file for all of your tasks (if any):
MLOCATE -M <task 0, single line BBS>
MLOCATE -M -k1 <task 1>
MLOCATE -M -k2 -DC:\Max\Ctl\ <task 2,
Mlocate.Ctl in C:\Max\Ctl\>
With Remote Access, edit your FILES menu with RAMENU.EXE:
╒═══════════════════════════════ Edit Menu Item
│ 1 2 3 4
│ 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
│ ^L^ocate files ;
│ E:\RA\MLOCATE.EXE -De:\ra\mlocate.ctl -P*P *H
│ User display
│ Action Execute sub-program (Type 7)
│ Optional data
│ Hot-Key L
│ Automatic No
│ Colour Colour example
│ Security 1
│ Flags-A --------
│ Flags-B --------
│ Flags-C --------
│ Flags-D --------
╒═══════════════════════════════ Edit Menu Item
│ 1 2 3 4
│ 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
│ ^N^ew files ;
│ E:\RA\MLOCATE.EXE -De:\ra\mlocate.ctl -* -P*P *H
│ User display
│ Action Execute sub-program (Type 7)
│ Optional data
│ Hot-Key N
│ Automatic No
│ Colour Colour example
│ Security 1
│ Flags-A --------
│ Flags-B --------
│ Flags-C --------
│ Flags-D --------
That's it!
NOTE: The command-line swiches *ARE* case sensitive!
If you run more than one task you could use the same
control-file for all your tasks, BUT... you still need
to specify a "task X" statement in the .CTL file, how you
solve that it in Remote Access mode I really don't give a sh*t. :-)
And now, fire up (preferable) Maximus or RA and get impressed!
This is a small part of my MENUS.CTL file:
Title FILE
MenuHeader File
Area_Change File Twit "Area Change"
;;;; This is the old "Locate" command
;;;; Locate Twit "Locate file"
Xtern_Run C:\Max\Mlocate.Exe_%L_-k%k_-J%R_-S%W Twit "Locate file"
;;;; I showing you how it COULD be done
;;;; when MLOCATE.CTL are located in C:\Max\Ctl\
;;;; Xtern_Run C:\Max\Mlocate.Exe_%L_-k%k_-DC:\Max\Ctl\_-J%R_-S%W Twit "Locate file"
;;;; Allow the SysOp to re-compile on-line, if needed.
;;;; Xtern_Run C:\Max\Mlocate.Exe_-M_-DC:\Max1 Sysop "$Re-Compile data"
File_Titles Twit "File Titles"
Type Disgrace "Type (show)"
Goodbye Twit "Goodbye (log off)"
Download Disgrace "Download (receive)"
Upload Disgrace "Upload (send)"
Statistics Twit "Statistics"
Contents Twit "Contents"
Display_File Misc\Olzv Disgrace "View Contents"
Raw Sysop "Raw Directory"
;;;; Wow! it's working like NEWFILES too!
;;;; Newfiles Disgrace "New files"
Xtern_Run C:\Max\Mlocate.Exe_%L_-k%k_-*_-J%R_-S%W Twit "New files"
File_Kill Sysop "Kill file"
File_Hurl Sysop "Hurl (move)"
Display_Menu Main Twit "Main Menu"
Display_Menu Message Twit "* Message Areas"
Display_File Hlp\FileHelp Twit "?help"
End Menu
║ Items in the control file, MLOCATE.CTL ║
One BIG note here, if you DO specify Remote Access items in
the control-file, MLOCATE assume it's in RA-mode, else Maximus.
; wich task to work with
task 0
; wich file to display when the user want some help
helpfile c:\max\hlp\mlochlp.bbs
; wich file where the compiled data is written to and read from
datafile c:\max\mlocate.dat
; where the Remote Access 1.01 file CONFIG.RA are located
raconfig c:\ra\config.ra
; where the Remote Access 1.01 file FILES.RA are located
rafiles c:\ra\files.ra
; where the Remote Access 1.01 file EXITINFO.BBS are located
exitinfo c:\ra\exitinfo.bbs
; wich Maximus lastuser file to get user-info from
lastuser c:\max\lastuser.bbs
; location of the Maximus AREA.DAT file
areadat c:\max\area.dat
; location of the Maximus AREA.IDX file
areaidx c:\max\area.idx
; how to deal with files with incorrect dates
; this would let the faulty file time-stamp to be the date of compile -30 days
errordate -30
; this would disable the "errordate" function
errordate 0
; this would let the faulty file time-stamp to be the date of compile +14 days
errordate 14
; define an alternate FILES.BBS for a certain area, for example CD-roms
; one note here, Maximus and Mlocate has FULL support for CD-roms,
; normally you wouldn't have need to use this...
cd 89 c:\cd-file\cd89.bbs
cd 90 c:\cd-file\cd90.bbs
; exclude these file-areas from datafile,
; this could be used to hide certain areas.
skip 1
skip 10
skip 1B ; Maximus-mode
skip A0 ; also in Maximus-mode
skip 129 ; RA-mode
skip 200 ; also in RA-mode
<end of control file>
║ SysOp keyboard control keys ║
O - SNOOP mode OFF
N - SNOOP mode ON
A - Simultaneous keyboard and SNOOP mode on
<Esc> - Keyboard OFF and/or users statistics
Any other key will display the users statistics
║ Command-line arguments for MLOCATE ║
Command line arguments: (Note! These *ARE* case sensitive)
? Displays a brief help-text.
-M Compile/create the datafile that are used by MLocate.
Switches that will affect operation: -k<task> -d -Q
Run this after every caller or once a day.
-Q Quiet compile, almost...
-S Set Snoop mode ON as default in remote mode.
-k<task> Task selection, use this to define wich
configuration in MLOCATE.CTL to use.
<task> is a number between 0 and 99.
-k Running locally,
i.e. when running: MAX MAX -k
-D<cfgpath> Control file to use in this session,
this overrides the default file MLOCATE.CTL.
<cfgpath> are the config path to be used during
this session. Ex. -Dc:\max\ctl1\
-p<port> Defines wich COM-port (+1) to use when online.
<port> defines wich port to use.
Valid port-numbers are 0 to 15
This parameter overrides the "port" information
in MLOCATE.CTL. Ex: "-p0" is COM1
-P<port> Same as above... valid numbers are 1 to 16
Ex: "-P2" is COM2
-* Perform the MECCA-like command NEWFILES.
It may/will replace the Maximus NEWFILES.
-J<commands> This option will "JAM" commands into MLOCATE,
just like the -J option in Maximus.
To insert an ^M (Carrige Return) into the buffert
you will have to insert a ";" or "|" character.
Example: MLOCATE -J*;01-12-90
will 'jam' in the commands NEWFILES from the
1'st of December 1990.
If you use MAX.ABK.7 or later from 2:205/203 you will
be able to pass the stacked commands to MLOCATE
with the 'XTERN_???' %R parameter.
-S<parm> SNOOP ON "+" or SNOOP OFF "-" as default.
// Anders Brink // FidoNet 2:205/203 // SoftSpeed // 9 September 1991 //
1.04ß 900816: Fixed the TTY/ANSI/AVATAR bug wich would send ANSI-sequenses
to TTY users.
1.05ß 900817: Added LASTUSER and SKIP information in the control file,
also fixed some command-line parameter bugs.
1.06ß 900818: Internal version, never released.
1.07ß 900819: Added datesearch when using the '*' newfiles command.
Added '-*' for NEWFILES function.
1.08ß 900820: Some gliches in local mode fixed.
1.09ß 900821: Improved errorhandling and '-Q' quiet mode when compiling.
1.10ß 900823: Bugfix in COM routines, bugfix in date search input routine.
1.20 900906: Bugfix in the "?<file>" feature, it will now display the
file description instead of garbage! :-)
Some fixes in the 'intelligence' of the date-input routine.
First official release.
1.40 901231 Fixed the 'real' Maximus feeling as in the Snoop and Keyboard
functions. Status screen when in remote mode, simply press any
key to show the user record. Implemented support for
DESQview and for SHARE in a network environment.
1.50 910101 Implemented -J 'jam' parameter, this will pass (jam) 'stacked'
commands into MLOCATE instead of using the keyboard.
Implemented the "=" (more-off) option at the MORE? prompt.
1.60 910401 Implemented CD-ROM support, the configuration-verb "cd" would
let you specify an alternate FILES.BBS.
Implemented "errordate" correction, this would let you
get around the fact that files with faulty dates will always
give you a 'blinking' asterix on "L)ocate Newfiles".
Proper time-check will now detect the users time online.
1.61 910402 Fixed a nasty "time-limit" bug that would freeze the computer.
1.64ß 910504 Remote Access 1.01 support.
1.65ß 910505 Removed "comport xx" support in MLOCATE.CTL, use command-line
parameter "-p<0..3>" or "-P<1..4>" instead.
Running in local mode is detected by "-k" parameter or
in LASTUSER.BBS "user.flag=0" or
in EXITINFO.BBS "ExitInfo.Baud=0"
Implemented support for "A,B,C and D flags" in RA-mode.
The flags "PrivateSecurity Flags" in RA-mode is not
yet implemented, sorry...
1.70 910605 First public release of the Maximus/RA version.
1.71 910616 Fixed an ugly bug that would not allow TWIT areas
in Maximus mode to be shown to the user.
1.73ß 910628 Fixed the "key" status display after the "privil" display.
Fixed some small bugs... nothing of interest. :-)
1.74 910702 Minor release, some small display glitches fixed.
1.75ß1 910716 Additional SNOOP default ON parameter "-S+" implemented.
1.75 910725 Release version with the SNOOP parameter implemented.
Use this with the "%W" XTERN_??? menu-command in MAX.102.abk.9
1.76ß1..1E1234 Too much to meantion...
1.76 910909 Fixed some minor glitches in the "Terminate (Y/n)" logic.
Fixed the "More? (Y/n/=)" glitch wich would default to "="
if you perform a new search without loading Mlocate again.
Speed is 0 to 500% faster when searching for files.
Known bugs: The intelligence in the date-routines is too poor,
not really a bug, it will be improved, sometime...
Thanx to:
Scott Dudley, for his excellent Maximus CBCS.
Patrik (aka Putte) Sjöberg, for his outstanding FEBBS.
Fritte, my cat, who heelpedd em iwth te wrtiing (ouch).
Mattias Pantzare, for the *FAST* crc32 routine.
Skogs-Ola Norström, for inspiration.
My brother, for fixing my broken car.
Kicki Ahlinder, "i just looove you..." <tm_birch>
Mats Birch, for being such a good looser in biljard. :-)
LG, for the beer.
Joaquim Homrighausen, for FD.
Peter "Peppe" Laur, for all those crazy ideas.
"The Pizza", for being such a #$@!&%...